the 100 project poem corner list

A list of the 100 Project poems we’ve done thus far on the @jarrettsleeper IGTV Poem Corner show, so you can see if the number calling you today has been posted yet.


First off, you can buy the whole collection now. ‘the 100 poems’ by jarrett sleeper is available in print and electronic versions. You can find them all at this linktree. Now, on with this page.

My favorite and suggested method for reading the 100 Project is as a sort of bibliomancy.

You pick a number between 1 and 100 and go see what the passage has for you in that moment. So when we began sharing the poems on my @jarrettsleeper Instagram video page, that’s how I’d do it, I’d ask for a number between 1 and 100 from the audience and the first new number got posted. It has become more difficult to pick a number we haven’t done as we’ve gone on and also I’d like for people to be able to find the number they’d like to hear if they want to so here, finally, is a list of poems we have done.

So, here you are, each poem we’ve done on Poem Corner in order as well as the insta handle of whoever divined that particular episode for us on that particular day, if I’ve got it. Some days I didn’t write it down and it’s lost to time, or deep in archives I don’t know how to find. Some days two people requested the same number, extra magickal, so you’ll see two handles listed.

1. 11

2 .22

3. 80

4. 49

5. 87

6. 2

7. 88

8. 8

9. 23

10. 78

11. 72

12. 32

13. 24

14. 5

15. 34 (greenschmoodle)

16. 47 (aniabas)

17. 6 (jaysmagicaladventures)

18. 19 (cosmicswandering)

19. 21 (tariq_shahada)

20. 92 (itsjuanpacheco)

21. 30 (nicholasmilogoode)

22. 37 (comiccandace)

23. 44 (gerritxkruper and kaitdid1992)

24. 13 (noosie_)

25. 57 (reed__max)

26. 98 (momofosho98)

27. 89 (sadly.mike)77

28. 17 (wildkingston)

29. 43 (zachginther)

30. 3 (wegahta_h)

31. 27 (sheluvscamillee)

32. 15 (falsemirror)

33. 12 (songsbysav)

34. 20 (titoguardia89)

35. 55 (joshorellana)

36. 74 (larissabassx)

37. 76 (juju_universe)

38. 73 (colleneleahy)

39. 67 (zacksmittysmith)

40. 9 (all_well_claire)

41. 16 (tubicienta)

42. 42 (barefootxyogi)

43. 99 (alyoko2001)

44. 31 (sageficazzola)

45. 77 (jennifergreving)

46. 56 (sararomin)

47. 10 (estopesto)

48. 28 (hannahlipow and alicerohwe) 

49. 33 (kellyyyoh)

50. 52 (dawsonf0ster)

51. 69 (ologies)

52. 60 (monicajoysherer)

53. 83 (xx_liamhickey_xx)

54. 62 (jackdykes_)

55. 86 (yupitsducky)

56. 79 (marvxian)

57. 53 (vvannee__)

58. 29 (ohheyleedukes)

59. 65 (a_wild_hoyden) 

60. 4 (iamk_lee)

61. 18 (rogueavocado)

62. 48 (takesanationpod)

63. 1 (lisapizzapeachypie)

64. 82 (the.blonde.banana)

65. 25 (rebelxriot)

66. 14 (verboseannalise and urbanfarmfoods)

67. 36 (liz_moretti_)

68. 66 (swampfunkjunkie)

69. 75 (goddessshakti)

70. 51

71. 95

72. 7 (whenitleaves)

73. 91 (gloomygolucky)

74. 58 (realbattyschwiggins)

75. 84 (jubileeofpens)

76. 71 (queen_regicide and __afern)

77. 41

78. 100

79. 97 (loopholestacie and mercedesdigit)

80. 35 (bethy.birb)

81. 38 (mlee525)

82. 85 (katieladybug3)

83. 70 (rogueavocado for laylaburrito)

84. 93 (mrjasonlow)

85. 50 (